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Sheffield, United Kingdom
I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal......

Saturday 23 April 2011

How to sort your life out in a few easy steps.

Holy crap, has it really been this long? I mean, seriously, I've been gone for just over two months. TWO MONTHS. I must be ill. This feels awesome to writing random sentences about ridiculous topics that will most likely have no impact whatsoever on the person reading this but hey, we all love random shiz.

To the point people! Lots of stuff has happened in the two months I have neglected this blog. First and most imporantly, I'm moving out. I know right, things move fast. Its closer to Uni and it will mean lots of independance but I really can't wait. I know I'm still young but I feel its time to experience the world on my own than with my mum. Wonder what my dad would say......Oh too soon. Lol, just kidding; he's a twat but I would be intrigued by his thoughts. So, bitches, as of 1st August 2011, I will blogging from the spacial surroundings of my own house with three others. I am mentally preparing myself for the lack of sleep, copious amounts of alcohol, monster hangovers and the lack of any general awareness to reality whatsoever. I will look after myself well. I know I will. Something triggers when I have to look out for myself despite my mother's thoughts. I'm just lazy at heart. But aren't we all?


As a first year student, its important I tried my hardest this year since its only going to be more difficult in the two years ahead. When I passed my English exam, I was thrilled but then we got presented with a topic called Critical Theory for Semester 2. Safe to say, its bollocks. It means nothing. Absolutely nothing. I wish it upon no one. It doesn't even have relevance to English per se and I genuinely don't remember picking it as a module. Being the cool cat I am, I didn't play the blame game and attempted to press on. 5 weeks of CT seminars and lectures later, I could take no more. I just didn't go for the remaining weeks like the majority of my Uni friends cause it simply meant nothing to the stuff we studied elsewhere. We hit what we all thought was to prove a stumbling block. A 2500 word essay on a critical assignment of your choice. I chose 'Death of an Author' by Roland Barthes, a French critical theorist who believe me is rather boring. He looks at the aesthetic of language, the value of language and how language is generally meaningless unless given a meaning. Therefore, a word like 'cat' wouldn't have a value if it didn't have the mental image of a cat attached to it. Yeah, I know. You're bored already. Imagine writing 2500 words on this shit. Anyhoo, we all got scared by the impending feedback session. Out of 100, I got 65. I apparently showed my lecturer there was a brain at work, with a decent argument and I did what many others didn't which was to write what the essay was about in the introduction. Surprised is an understatement. I was over the moon.


So, with a house in my name and a somewhat largely successful first attempt at an assignment for a subject that means fuck all to me, I pursued the next venture. My main passion of film and gaming. Too many films have been released in the last two months to talk about but some favourites have emerged. The Aujustment Bureau was a pleasant surprise, Your Highness was generally retarded but good fun, Scream 4 was simply incredible (watch the others to agree with this point of view otherwise you will hate it) and Thor is becoming the film for me to look forward to the most! Bring it Brannagh! I can't wait for the summer as too much stuff is out which brings me to gaming. L.A. Noire is by far the most anticipated game of the year for me. In fact, of the last two years. The moment I heard Rockstar we're producing a game based on the genre of film noir (my favourite film style), I was hooked. I've followed the game's progress for a long time and the new technology that is being made for it is phenomenal. It is literally the future of gaming. Bioware should use it for Mass Effect 3. That would be something. But I got my pre-order in at GAME for L.A. Noire and all the gameplay videos I see only make me want it more. 20th May, midnight opening, I will be there.


An interesting event occured last week involving a music festival and lots of alcohol. This year, since I'm moving out, I'm only going to the Download festival cause I couldn't afford anything else. Imagine my amazement when I get a weekend ticket bought for me to go to Leeds Festival and look after my cousin. Third year in a row for me and all I gotta do is look after my cousin, who by the way, is hardly a year younger and definately taller than me. He can chill with my mates and its honestly always the best time at Braham Park. But DL 2011 will be my highlight since I've never been for the weekend before and its a change of scenary. All my proper best mates are going and I know there will be a) no drama b) lots of general shennanigans involving fun rides c) a zombie ball on the Friday night d) a great line-up of music and e) the most important; the 5 day chill out session I get with my favourite people in the world. They all inspire me, my friends are the greatest. Thinking of life without them is a big ask, so don't do it. Appreciate what you got and live it to its potential.


Last but not least, my band is starting to get good. That's not a boastful comment in the slightest. We needed a great deal of practise at first but now the songs are gelling very well and a setlist is emerging from the sessions we have. We have a gig at the end of May which I can't wait for. I love writing music and its insane amounts of fun. Theraputic as well. Do you know the satisfaction you get from literally smashing your guitar around and playing nothing but noise. Its the best form of anger management. I wrote a song for the band and was very scared about it at first cause it seemed angry, emotionless and generally bitchy. Our vocalist made it his own and I'm proud of what we've made of it. Its kick ass.


I'm signing out. That was a long one. But I said everything I could have. For now. I'll not neglect for as long as I did last time. That was bad of me.