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Sheffield, United Kingdom
I don't know how to put this but I'm kind of a big deal......

Friday, 22 October 2010

Star date 2010: Captain's log; "Some great news"

Hey guys!

Interesting news to come out of today and an added extract that I cannot believe I forgot to mention yesterday. It's so absurd and ridiculous I didn't since it's brilliant news. Get to it in a minute. This blog, like yesterday's maybe be fairly short, as I'm running short on time but I gotta complete my service to the internet have I not? :D

Starting with............The Hobbit, which finally has it's lead man. Like I said previously and like the internet has been saying for months, Martin Freeman (you will know him from BBC's version of The Office as Tim and Sherlock as Watson or Hitchhiker's Guide To Galaxy) has been cast as Bilbo Baggins in the two part film. As always, a link will be at the end of the paragraph for more on this news but my personal view is that this is splendid casting. A British talent who is very familar with audiences, I believe him to be the perfect successor to Ian Holm from the LOTR trilogy. I can imagine him kicking some ass against Smaug. Oooooo it's gonna be good! Can't say much for the 3D plans New Line Cinema have in store for it but since Peter Jackson has a total budget of $500 million (equal to Avatar), I think he will choose to use it wisely. Interestingly enough, for anyone who fancies a bit of trivia, each LOTR installement was made on a budget just under $100 million; roughly $96 million each. That's an overall budget of about $281 million for all three with a profit of $2.9 billion. With this in mind, upping the ante doesn't even cut it. $250 million on each picture Jackson! Make it count homeboy! Look forward to Christmas 2012 (that is if we're still here! I still want my friggin' hoverboard in 2015 and will be super pissed if I don't! Stupid Mayan prophecy! ¬_¬) The Hobbit finds it's main lead - - - - And a few others....

Right, the bit of news I neglected from you lovely people yesterday. This is big big stuff. Two years ago, Hugh Jackman starred in the Wolverine spin-off, 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine'. It was safe to say that it was not fantastic. Neigh. It was plain awful with the exception of Jackman being the actual embodiment of Wolverine. Obviously, the film made a huge profit and the studio attached immediately greenlit the sequel within weeks of the original's box office release. Great speculation has plagued the net since as to who will direct the next vision of Wolverine. I can now tell you that Darren Aronofsky ('Requiem For a Dream, The Wrestler, Black Swan, Pi') has officially signed on to direct. How the hell the studio pulled this off I will never know (I strongly suspect Jackman had a role in this having featured in 'The Fountain' for Aronofsky beforehand) but it does beg one question: will the sequel of a spin-off ACTUALLY BE GOOD?! Aronofsky's track record is nothing short of brilliant; with the exception of 'The Fountain' which achieved a mixed response; all his films have been greeted with a great reception especially 'The Wrestler', Mickey Rourke's redemption piece and his latest production, 'Black Swan'. I for one am pretty excited by this news and happy that this particular production is in the best of hands. His talent for dark drama will serve the franchise well; fantastic news! Here's a little piece to get your excitement going! Darren Aronofsky confirmed for 'Wolverine 2'

That's all folks! See you laters!


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